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I need your advice on organization: proceed to the bottom and leave me your nuggets of wisdom!

Welcome 2009 - please don't suck.  

My to-do list for today, this week, and this month are all looming before me - so here I sit, blogging to avoid housework.  

Did anyone makes resolutions? I made a few:

1. To stop drinking pop.  This has been attempted before and I failed miserably.  Dr. Pepper is how I cope with stress.  Anytime Chad picks on me for drinking pop, I just say "Be glad it's not Vodka!"  Because, seriously - I'm addicted.  I need the caffeine.  Plus it's my security blanket - if I feel like I'm losing my cool, I crack open a can and everything is better.  

2. To get more organized.  For this I will need lots of Dr. Pepper Vodka.  And Chocolate.  And a nanny.  And one of those organizational gurus from HGTV.   

But, honestly - I feel like these 2 resolutions are counter-productive.  I'm setting myself up for failure: either I give up Pop and hobble, crippled, through the next month, slowly regaining the ability to function without large amounts of sugar and caffeine OR I tackle my organizational issues head on, with an IV of Dr. Pepper strapped to my arm. 

3. Get rid of the TV.  I have used TV as a crutch on many a day to keep my children occupied whilst I attempted to get work done.  But here's what we decided on the drive home last night: 
  • Cable TV costs a lot.  
  • AND we wish we didn't watch it.  
  • AND we wish we spent more time as a family instead. 
  • I have tremendous guilt for using the TV to babysit the boys when I am busy.
So the obvious solution is to remove the TV altogether.  We barely watched it while in Kansas for Christmas and we didn't miss it.  So we aren't even going to plug it back in now that we are home.  I am to call the cable company today and cancel everything except the internet.   We will still have a TV and DVD player for when nothing else will do.  And perhaps I will renew my Netflix subscription now so we can have family movie night. 

So, if you have any fabulous organizational advice PLEASE (for the love of P. Diddy!) impart your knowledge and/or tricks to me!  Also, advice on occupying a 3 and 1 year old for 12 hours would be welcomed.  :-) Happy New Year!


Tiffany said...

Alrighty girl. I'm here to help! :) Seriously, I'm not a guru by any means but having more than 8 moves under my belt in about a 12 year period has forced me to be pretty organized. Plus, I'm one of those wierdos who can't function in mess. So, here's a couple tid bits I can share that might help with your Dr. Pepper fueled sort-o-rama projects.

1. This has to do with housekeepin'. I take 4x6 cards, put a chore (or two) on each card, and clip them together with one of those magnet clippies, put it on the fridge where I can see it everyday. Everyday, I do one card and then put it at the back so the next card is ready for tomorrow.

2. Baskets. Lurve me some baskets. I use them in the pantry to keep things looking tidier than they really are. One for snacks for my kiddos (a 1 and 3 yr old as well), one for the baby type foods, one for breads, rolls, etc... you get the idea.

3. Keep the sink empty. This one really helps my OCD. :) I make sure the sink is completely cleared out of dirty dishes, gunk etc.. before I head to bed. That way I wake up with a "clean" kitchen.

Gotta go for now. Heading to the store with the fam. Hope these help. If I think of more I'll be back to tell ya.

Tiffany said...

Shaina, I had to come back and leave a comment about you throwing out the T.V. ... or at least leaving it unplugged. We've been tinkering with the idea. I say tinkering because it becomes such a crutch as you say... but we're so "addicted" to a few shows or channels.. myself, HGTV...you cut me and I bleed HGTV. So, my friend, Kudos to you and your valiant endavor to rid the home of cable waves for the sake of your family. Please keep us posted on your journey so I know what I'm possibly getting myself into. :)

todd said...

you are awesome!

Megan Hulett said...

I think getting rid of TV is great. Christopher and I haven't had cable in about 5 years. We check out movies from the library and get kids movies too. But they have to be Mommy approved. So there are no surprises with commercials and bad shows I don't want the kids to see. We save money from not having cable and buy alot of 5 dollar family movies from Wal-mart. I sometimes still have a problem with using movies to baby-sit the kids, but lately they are too interested in Christmas toys.
As for being organized... I have only 6 rooms in our house, so I clean one room a day and rest on Sunday. It works for us. Laundry is every Mon. Wed. and Fri. and everynight the dishes are all in the dishwasher to start. Every morning it's emptyed. That's about it for us. I don't really drink much pop, but I love my Cappichino in the morning. I try to limit myself to one a day. Good luck with all of this, I can't wait to read more. Hope this helps,

buttercup said...

I've been thinking about what to post on here for a few days now. We did a fast from TV for 6 months while we were in IA-- it was fantastic : ) sometimes I wish we could do it again.

As for organization here are some suggestions:
1. I love Tiffany's idea of the cards on the refrigerator! I think I'll try it with our boys : )

2. I think getting control of the laundry would help (you mention it frequently)... I make sure that I fold each load as soon as it is done. The boys when they were little would push the baskets to me and help me sort and put them in the wash. As I take them out of the dryer I fold them. i might only get a few loads done a day, but they are DONE!!

3. another thing I do which is probably over the top but I am OCD about my house... anyhoo, I put one major cleaning thing on my calendar per month-- i have a whole month to do it and I know it's done. such as windows, oven/refrigerator, garage, closets, etc.

4. have your boys help as they can-- Cael is a great age to help clean/dust the chair rails in the dining room with a damp rag, or bring you the little wastebaskets to add to the garbage, or put an old pair of Chad's socks on his feet and have him "dust" your wood floors. I do this while we have the music on loud and dancing of course so it's fun-- well they think so!

Wow, I could write a book... want anymore ideas just fb me!