*deep breath*
Chalking it up to overly tired kids, who didn't sleep well last night. Might go take a nap myself - not that I have time. We'll start the day over when they wake up from nap. It *will* be a good day....
Enough complaining already - back to work. :-)
You're a soldier for making t.v. obsolete w/ kids!! You know, there are "educational" shows. You may have to ponder limited t.v. Although, I'm sure once it comes back, it would be easy to throw away all guidelines :(
Good luck!
You are going to make it!!! Keep it up do not give in perserverance my friend...
Just a thought have you tried "room time"? You know from baby wise... I used and still use room time to this day even with Nathan sometimes we all need a little space : )
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