

What I should be doing is sleeping, but I am blogging.  And even though it is technically Saturday, I am counting this blog post towards Friday, cause I haven't gone to bed yet.

I did an experiment today in my MOPS meeting.  I asked the girls what they thought they knew about me. After a few polite answers I told them that I was going to tell them about the REAL me.  The stuff you don't want to tell anyone.  I shared a few items.  Like the fact that I forgot to feed my kids breakfast Sunday morning until they were strapped IN THE CAR.  Cael reminded me. "Mom! You forgot to give me brek-fast!"  I gave them both some Teddy GRahams, knowing they would be so busy playing in nursery that they wouldn't even notice.  Plus they give them snacks there too.  I also shared that I hate dishes.  I hate them so much that I will leave them, until they grow legs and walk off.  Or that I hadn't folded laundry in 8 days and had at least 10 loads to fold and put away yesterday......  Or that I sometimes forget to brush my teeth until my husband says something about my breath at lunch.  Gross, I know.  

And what happened, proved our theory that people like you more when you are vulnerable.  I asked one of the girls (who was laughing so hard she was crying, about my lack of good dental hygiene) "How do you feel about me now?"  She replied, "I feel CLOSER to you!"  Chad pointed out later that generally the opposite would be true. (Bad breathe = LESS friends).  But it was the fact that I shared something embarrassing - since she knew I was a dork, she was now free to be a little bit of a dork too. All that to say this:

BE TRUE to YOU.  Just be yourself - and don't be afraid to be real.  It will help make for more genuine relationships.  Test it and then let me know if you find it to be true for you.....


Chad Pearce said...

Have I told you lately how proud I am of you?

Sarah said...

Well... he is the sweetest!

Sarah said...

I have always felt the same way. If people can see your flaws, they see YOU more, and usually like it.