
Happy, Happy Birthday Baby....

One year ago today, my tiny baby was born.  After a little drama, they said he would be fine, but needed to be in the NICU for a little while.  They dipped a paci into sugar water for him to suck on, while they gave him fluid through an IV...

He decided that he wanted out of there and with his Momma, so he pulled the tubes out of his nose and breathed just fine on "room-air".  24 hours after he was born, Mom finally got to hold baby without any tubes, or wires.  Everything was just fine.  

Cael thought his baby brother was pretty sweet. Not sure he still holds that opinion....

Mom thinks he's sweet for sure.

Happy First Birthday Ky-Guy.  Love you!!


Dusti said...

Ahh... what a sweet blog, and a sweet boy!
Not to long until the next birthday either!

Brad Walker said...

happy birthday Ky! we can't wait to meet you!

Sarah said...

Happy Birthday big boy!

Sarah said...

This is so sweet!