The point of this post is actually to show you pictures of two very cute, and very identical, two year old boys. Keaton and Kohl brought their Mama (who is a superhero in my book) and met me at the park a couple of weeks ago and we had a pretty good time! I would love to say which is which, but I haven't a clue. I hope I didn't take too many pictures of one and not the other. So here are some of my favs from the session!

Boys being boys...

They LOVE their Mama!

We did cupcakes for their birthday - 5 were consumed, 1 was left for the ducks, after rolling through the dirt a good ways.

These boys are serious about their cake!

Bonus: Totally not staged - they just started holding hands and walking up the ramp. I was lucky I caught it, because it only lasted about 10 seconds, before the peacefulness ended. :-)

Thanks Guys! It was fun!
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