
Not me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Let the therapy begin:

This week, when I cleaned out the fridge, I did not throw away 3 grocery sacks full of various food items.  I also did not find cheese that had officially expired in August of 2008.  Furthermore, I did not throw out more popsicles than we could ever have eaten.  (I think I went a little crazy getting popsicles when Cael had his tonsils out...) Anyways -  I always keep it clean  (just like everything else around here) and never waste food/money.  

Oh yes - which reminds me... After last weeks $$ debacle I certainly had learned my lesson.  It  did not come to light this week, that I had wasted an additional $90.  (At least the amount is going down, right?  So much for my great record...)  This would be a fine time to insert that I HATE Napster and would encourage people to not use them.  Ok, technically what they did wasn't illegal, but I think it should be.  BTW, in case you're wondering I didn't lose this money $15 at a time for 6 months... - I pay very close attention to my bank statements and ALWAYS check them throughly.  At least I do now. *insert sheepish grin*

I did not play online word games and various puzzles such as Mahjong, for an untold amount of time on Sunday while sequestered at home with sick children.  And if I did I would not have told myself that I deserved it since I was stuck with them by myself for most of the day while my hubby worked.  I don't throw pity parties - not often anyways...

Finally, after having received 24 of the world's greatest cupcakes for Valentines Day, I will not admit that there are only 4 left in the fridge.   (Don't freak out - I didn't eat them ALL.  I put 7 in the freezer, gave 3 to a friend and shared the remaining 10 with the boys.) Yes, we put down 10 cupcakes in 28 hours.   We certainly did NOT eat 10 cupcakes in a day.  I have no idea where they went.  (Probably my hips.) 

Leave a girl so comment lovin'!

Wichita Kansas Photographer, Shaina Pearce Photography


buttercup said...

okay *thanks* for the online game site... as i don't spend enough time on fb and my blogroll. I keep telling myself it is okay because i am keeping up friendships this way, although secretly I think I might be out of bounds because lots of my friends live in the computer = )

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

Ohhhh...a cupcake does NOT sound so good right now! Can I have one? Pretty please!
Happy Not Me Monday!

Lisa Noel said...

Mmmmmm, cupcakes!

Mrs. Frogster said...

I totally did not eat more cupcakes than I should have this weekend - nope, not me!

CalieB said...

You should start playing Text Twist. It is so very addicting. I got Drew addicted to it already!! Sam was not too happy! Just go to yahoo and search Text Twist. I could play it for hours!