Such great pictures again! When I look at the last ones of Ky, I'm drawn to the lines of his neck for some reason. :-) Adorable.
Hey Shaina, I saw your blog on Dusti's page. Your babies are beautiful. And your such a great photographer. Do you do it professionally? I would love to do it for a living, I just don't know how to really get started. So it is for fun now.Take care.Sarah
Oh, so your just starting out? Did you take lots of classes or some training? How did you start that professional website?Sorry so many questions, I am just curious George. ;)Photography is my passion and I like to hear how people get started. Thanks ShainaHere is my email if you want to write me instead of blog back and forth.;)
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Such great pictures again! When I look at the last ones of Ky, I'm drawn to the lines of his neck for some reason. :-) Adorable.
Hey Shaina, I saw your blog on Dusti's page. Your babies are beautiful. And your such a great photographer. Do you do it professionally? I would love to do it for a living, I just don't know how to really get started. So it is for fun now.
Take care.
Oh, so your just starting out? Did you take lots of classes or some training? How did you start that professional website?
Sorry so many questions, I am just curious George. ;)
Photography is my passion and I like to hear how people get started.
Thanks Shaina
Here is my email if you want to write me instead of blog back and forth.
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