
The Hendershots | Wichita Family Photographer

Most of you know how much I love to coupon. If you don't then add me on Facebook and you'll see all the pictures of FREE stuff I get from stores. The truth is I couldn't do it alone. In fact, I would be lost if it weren't for sites like wichitacoupons.net. So, imagine how thrilled I was when Jenna, who created the Wichita specific couponing site, contacted me about doing family photos!

Jenna's site is devoted to posting the best deals in the Wichita area, and not just for groceries. If you're interested at all in saving money you should start following her blog ASAP! In fact she's hosting tons of giveaway's for their FIRST ANNIVERSARY this week, and we have something special in the works! Watch her blog for the announcement and tell your friends to watch as well. Everyone likes free stuff!

Anyways - back to the point. Our session was tons of fun and that's because this family was fun! I tell people all the time - if you want fun pictures, you have to HAVE FUN getting them taken. Case in point:

Large canvas print? I think yes!

Sweet Brextyn (Sidenote: I LOVE their kids' names.)
Brextyn was shy at first, but eventually warmed up to me. We share a love of Peanut butter M&M's, which I happened to have with me. :-) PS - I love this mother daughter shot! Jenna's gorgeous!
See?!?! FUN!!!
Mr. Taisen is tough like his Daddy, but you'd never know by looking at this sweet face.
Making mom Ice cream!
Who can resist this face?
Taisen = Tough AND strong!
Brextyn loves her Daddy!

Thank's Hendershots! I truly had a grand time!

(P.S. Happy Birthday to Wichita Coupons! :-) Keep up the good work!!)

Wichita Kansas Photographer | Shaina Pearce Photography

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