Welcome to Not me! Monday - that therapeutic time of the week month ... whatever, where we divulge things otherwise not spoken of. If you don't know what I'm talking about hop on over to MckMama's and check out what everyone else has not been up to.
On with the fun:
1. I did not neglect my blog for OVER a month. That would be lazy, and a major no-no in Photography circles. My mind is always sharp, and I never forget about things for weeks at a time. Speaking of, that last prego post, the one right before this one? She's had her baby! That post is soon to come!
2. That was NOT my 2 year old you saw licking the jukebox at a local restaurant. Obviously my children have better manners and sense than to try and chase the little bubbles going around it with their TONGUE. Eeww. So glad that wasn't us.
3. My children did not receive an embarrassing amount of toys this year at Christmas. Besides, even if they did it's not like it happens every year! I have not hidden about 1/3 of them to pull out in a few months when the first of the new toys are broken or "boring".
4. Oh! Speaking of boring, my 2 year old did not inform me last week that he didn't want to watch Veggiestales because "It's NOT Powerriffic! Duh!" I most certainly DID assign a timeout for that one. I mean I WOULD have, ya know, if it had happened. He did not then inform me that if it doesn't have fighting in it he doesn't want to watch it.
5. My children did not both have timeouts on Christmas day for announcing their displeasure at opening clothing instead of toys. My children are sweet and grateful, not at all selfish to the point that I threaten to take all their toys and give them away, leaving them only rocks and sticks to play with.
6. I did not eat Chick-fil-a EVERYDAY for SIX DAYS STRAIGHT while in Florida this last week. I also did not consume 36oz or more of their famous Sweet Tea everyday. Surprisingly, this diet did not lend itself to any weight loss, even though I had grilled chicken and salad and only ate the fried nuggets 1 day of the 6. Shocking, I know.
Ok - I think that's it. I'll try to do better at the blogging. Try being the operative word. :-)
1 comment:
I did not when my kids were younger and got WAY too many presents at Christmas hide them in a closet and then re-wrap them for a birthday present and tell those precious dears that those gifts were from their loving mom and dad.
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