
Not me! Monday - I cleaned out the van... and other adventures.

Welcome to Not me! Monday - a blog carnival set up by MckMama. Head over to her site when you're done, to what everyone else has not been up to.

1. I am not embarrassed to admit that my husbands ONE request for Father's Day was for me to clean out my van. Seriously.

2. Even though I went out and bought him an ACTUAL gift to go along with the van cleaning, he was not NOTICEABLY more excited about the fact that I had vacuumed out the van seats/floors.

3. I did not find the following in said van:
  • numerous french fries
  • fruit loops which were only purchased 1 time, around Christmas
  • heads of more than one superhero
  • 1 top bun from a hamburger
  • dried taco meat (yeah that was a dumb move. Not sure WHY I thought they could eat tacos in the car...)
  • Various other food items, some of which were fused with the carpet...
4. This was not the first time I had vacuumed out this van, probably since buying it - in the spring of 2008.

In other news....

5. My children did not manage to lock everyone out of our bedroom. After many failed attempts at lock-picking (since there is no key) my husband did not walk past me with a hammer and crowbar... Eyebrows raised, I did not watch my husband 1. jam a screwdriver into the lock, 2. remove part of the door jam and 3. use the crowbar to pry the door open. We do not now owe the church a new doorknob.

6. So all week long Chad was warning me to turn off my AC in the van before I turn the vehicle off, so it didn't run down my battery. I, being always on top of everything, never forgot to turn off the air.... like 80% of the time. On one such occasion, I did not actually run my battery down, stranding me and the children away from home.

7. Finally, while attempting to help himself to going potty on the toilet, 2 year old Kyran unstrapped his diaper. I ran in and lifted him just as the diaper dropped to the floor and did not only then discover that he was poopy. As I stood, dangling his dirty bottom over the toilet, shouting calling out for Chad to help me in my distress, a piece of poop did not fall off his bottom and of course, land on the rug. Meanwhile, Chad did not call back from the living room, "In a minute..." I did not ERUPT call back "There's POOP ON THE FLOOR - HURRY EVERY CHANCE YOU GET!!" :-)

Can't wait to hear what you've not been up to!

Wichita Kansas Photographer | Shaina Pearce Photography

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