

Calling all Mommas-to-be!!

I am gearing up to make the big shift to JUST babies and kiddos when I move and I am itching to get some portfolio samples with all my new toys and props! (I've gone slightly crazy on Etsy as of late :-) I should learn to crochet/knit to save myself some dough!)

I am looking for mainly newborns (as young as possible), but I have a couple of spots reserved for kids under 2. I am doing these casting call sessions for 75% off PLUS a free 11x14 of your choice! There are 5 appointments available - first come first serve.

April is filling fast, and with our big move in May, I won't be doing any (knock on wood) appointments that month. Probably. That's the plan anyways. Email me if you are interested!

shaina {at} shainapearce {dot} com

PS Sorry for no posts for a week - I promise to do better!!

Wichita Kansas Photographer | Shaina Pearce Photography

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