
More blogging

So here's some from today. I'm practicing for the wedding in 2 weeks (Drew's Mom getting remarried) Plus there's a few of Cael, and some of Cael and Drew. Drew, Sam and Killian came over for Fajitas & Survivor tonight.  Cael decided he LOVED Killian and wanted to hold his hand. 

Cael's wearing Drew's hat.
Cael loves Killian
And Holding hands with Drew
Experiment with Side light

more for the wedding - Pearls are from Daddy...
Love this face...


Anonymous said...

You have an excellent eye!

Sarah said...

Yay! You are continuing to blog! I love looking at your pics!

Kim Smith said...

What lens are you using on the bible pics? These are soooo good!!

shainapearce.com said...

It's a 17-85, pretty basic. I think it's the natural light that makes the difference.